Sunday, November 7, 2010

HFC M92 Full Auto VERTEC

Welcome to the first review for Airsoft Insider. In this weeks review we will be looking at the HFC M92 Full Auto Vertec pistol. This is a well rounded and fun airsoft pistol to use. first a little history on the real steel version


The Beretta M9, formally Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is a 9x19mm Parabellum pistol of the United States military adopted in 1985. It is basically a military specification Beretta 92F, later the 92FS.

It won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary handgun of the U.S. military, beating out many other contenders. It officially entered service in 1990.[1] Some other models have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the M11 pistol, and older, or different, models remain in use in certain niches. The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under an Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). In early 2006, the JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back.

In the 1970s, in an effort to make all of the five branches of U.S. Forces' weapons in sync, the Joint Services Small Arms Planning Commission was formed to test a variety of guns. The 92F survived exposure to temperatures from -40°F to 140°F, being soaked in salt water, being dropped repeatedly on concrete, and being buried in sand, mud and snow. Additionally, the 92F proved a MRBF (mean rounds before failure) of 35,000 rounds. That number is often touted as the equivalent to five or six times the pistol's service life. While this is normally true in European militaries, armed forces of the United States normally subject sidearms to much more extensive use. The war in Iraq, which has featured frequent urban and room-to-room combat, has seen American soldiers and Marines relying even more heavily on their pistols.


Now on to the first step of the actual review.

1. Overview

This gun is a well rounded sturdy side arm. Weighing in at 2.5lbs "empty" (no BB's or gas) it has a great feel. This is a 90% metal gun. There are some plastic pieces such as the grips and a few internals. The gun comes in a very nice "attache" style carry case, and included in that case is a spare set of grips "wood tone" a small sample pack of BB's a plastic rail guard and the normal instruction manual ( Chinese ) Do'h!!! so far the only down side.

2. Function

This gun has great functionality, it will get around 30-35 shots on one mag fill. So it doesn't waste too much gas. This is a blow Back gun so it does have some kick, great for training uses as it will help retain your muscle memory. The gun has a semi-auto and full-auto mode, as well as a full functioning safety. In semi-auto the gun is very useful as it is quite accurate and easy to use.and the Mag capacity of 25 rounds is very decent, standard for a Gas Blow Back (GBB) Now if you are going to be using it in Full-auto I would highly recommend purchasing a few extra Magazines as this gun will empty a mag in under a second in full-auto. The worst thing is being in the middle of a game and running out in the first seconds of a game and not being able to use the gun.

3. Design

This M9 replica is quite beautiful, I have always been fond of the Beretta design, and HFC did not spare anything at all with this gun. as you can see in the pictures it is just well designed with a high attention to detail. They integrated a rail on the front of the lower receiver, which is perfect for a laser or tac light.

4. Tear down & Assembly

the tear down or field strip is quite simple and I will spell it out here.

  1. step one press the mag release and drop the mag out o f the gun.

  2. with the mag out of the gun press the slide release button on the right hand side of the gun.
  3. while holding the release button down, rotate the slide release lever on the right hand side of the gun 90 degrees, Once you have rotated the slide lever release the button on the left hand side and the slide release is now activated.
  4. With the slide release activated pull the slide back as you were cocking the gun and as it returns to the forward position continue pulling the slide off toward the front of the gun.
  5. at this point you have done the field strip on the weapon you are able to check for most technical issues from this point. The next step in the tear down process would be to remove the return spring. At this point I would suggest a tray or a plastic container to hols all the pieces as they can be easy to lose. With the slide off of the lower receiver you will want to locate the return spring.
  6. Once the return spring has been located you are going to press the guide rod that the return spring is wrapping around out the front end of the slide.
  7. At this time you will need to rotate the guide rode about 30-45 degrees and gently let the rod release back toward the back end of the slide until it is free of the slide. Pay attention to the amount of tension on the return spring as it will have enough tension to launch the guide rod across the room.
  8. Now you can remove the spring from the guide rod you don't have to, and there is no pre-determined way the spring has to be placed on the guide rod as both ends of the spring are finished. At this point it is time to remove the barrel assembly out of the slide. To do this you will slide the barrel out the front end of the slide.
  9. Once the barrel is sitting out of the front end of the slide it will easily tip down and pull out toward the back of the slide. At this time you should have the slide and separately the the barrel assembly.
  10. There is an inner barrel that can be removed from the barrel assembly, you should not need to remove this item unless you are modifying the outer barrel. and if you are going to do so there is a black plastic lever that very easily slides out of place so that the inner barrel will pull out.
  11. Once you release the lever you can pull the inner barrel out of the outer.
  12. Now you have done a full tear down on the gun. To reassemble the gun it is quite simple just reverse the process.

5. Accuracy

I found this gun very easy to wield. It was not clumsy or over powered it had a great feel. and in turn it made it easy to keep on target. I emptied a full Mag at my target and they were all very right on this was done from 30 feet.
6. Value

This gun would make an excellent addition to any airsofters arsenal. It is reasonably priced at $84.99 "thats what I got it for" I found it here This gun has a great bank for your buck value rating.

7. Conclusion

I am very happy with this gun, it has great versatility, and is very durable. The price is dead on and it comes with plenty of extras.

8. Rating
on a scale of 1-10 stars I would have to give this gun a 8 star rating ********

this is an independent review. I am not affiliated with any airsoft manufacturer or store if you have any questions or requests for future guns to review please email me at

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